Climate change melts ice, enables broccoli to be grown in Greenland, and brings wildlife for which the locals have no native names By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor Published: Selling ice-cream to Eskimos used to be the definition of a tough sales pitch – but now it has been put in the shade. For as the world heats up, the Inuit are scrambling to install air conditioning, and electricity prices north of Quebec have been slashed specially to enable them to do so. The new need to chill out in the Arctic is just one of the bewildering changes being forced on one of the world’s last remaining hunting peoples. Their snowmobiles have been falling through the melting ice, and the Inuit are finding themselves lost for words as new species for which they have no names in their language appear. And, in places, they have had to dig wells, as they can no longer rely on snows for water. Temperatures in the Arctic have been rising twice as quickly as in the world as a whole. Sea ice has shrunk by a quarter in area and a half in thickness since 1978, and its decline is […]

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