WORCESTER, Massachusetts — A U.S. company that developed a way to make human embryonic stem cells without harming the original embryo said on Friday it was optimistic the technique would overcome ethical concerns that have held back funding for stem cell research. California-based Advanced Cell Technology Inc. developed the technology to quell the raging ethical debate in the United States over the harvesting of embryonic stem cells, which under current methods results in destruction of human embryos. ‘For most rational people this removes the last rational objection for opposing this research,’ Advanced Cell’s chief scientist, Robert Lanza, said in an interview at the company’s Worcester research center. The White House on Thursday said it was encouraged by a new method and Bush believed it deserved a good look. Bush last month vetoed an expansion of federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research, saying U.S. taxpayers who object to such research should not have to pay for it. Opponents have a range of objections that include a distaste for manipulating or destroying what they see as a potential human life, and some experts said the technique announced on Wednesday would not resolve ethical debates and political battles […]

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