Increasing temperatures will transform California, threatening some of its most valuable resources in coming decades. That’s the primary message of a new state publication that summarizes 17 scientific studies examining how global warming is expected to play out in California. ‘The potential impacts of global warming are unmistakable, adding more days of deadly heat, more intense and frequent wildfires, shorter supplies of drinking water and serious public-health risks,’ Linda Adams, the state’s secretary for environmental protection, said yesterday during a news conference at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla. By publishing the report, titled ‘Our Changing Climate: Assessing the Risks to California,’ state officials hope to engage citizens who haven’t followed the steady stream of reports ordered last year by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger when he called for statewide reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases. Worldwide, scientists agree that Earth’s atmosphere and oceans are warming and that human use of fossil fuels for energy is driving the trend. Levels of carbon dioxide – a byproduct of burning gas, oil and coal – are now higher than they’ve been for at least 650,000 years, scientists have reported. One global change that will affect California’s […]

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