HONOLULU — The United States is not making the case for freedom, democracy and Western law to the rest of the world, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said Saturday. ‘Make no mistake, there’s a jury that’s out. In half the world, the verdict is not yet in. The commitment to accept the Western idea of democracy has not yet been made, and they are waiting for you to make the case,’ Kennedy said in an address to the American Bar Association. Kennedy, 70, said he fears many parts of the world are not yet convinced that the American form of government as designed by the framers of the Constitution guarantees a better way of life. ‘Our best security, our only security, is in the world of ideas, and I sense a slight foreboding,’ he said. Kennedy, a moderate justice who has become a key swing vote on the Supreme Court, argued that the meaning of the phrase ‘rule of law’ must be made clear in order to spread the cause of freedom to other countries. He avoided singling out specific nations. He said the rule of law has three parts: it must be binding on […]

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