Birds do it, bees do it, humans since the dawn of time have done it. But just how much has the act really changed through the millennia and even in past decades? Are humans doing it more? Are we doing it better? Sort of, say scientists. But it’s how people fess up to the truth about their sex lives that has changed the most over the years. Humans have basically been the same anatomically for about 100,000 years-so what is safe to say is that if we enjoy it now, then so did our cave-dwelling ancestors and everyone else since, experts say. ‘Just as our bodies tell us what we might like to eat, or when we should go to sleep, they lay down for us our pattern of lust,’ says University of Toronto psychologist Edward Shorter. ‘Sex has always offered pleasure.’ Hard wired Sexuality has a lot to do with our biological framework, agreed Joann Rodgers, director of media relations and lecturer at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. ‘People and indeed all animals are hard wired to seek out sex and to continue to do so,’ Rodgers said in a recent interview. ‘I imagine that […]
Saturday, July 29th, 2006
A Brief History of Human Sex
Source: LiveScience
Publication Date: 27-Jul-06
Link: A Brief History of Human Sex
Source: LiveScience
Publication Date: 27-Jul-06
Link: A Brief History of Human Sex