A new USA Today/Gallup Poll suggests that after a slight improvement from President George W. Bush’s all-time low of 31% approval rating, the American people’s estimation of his performance has reached a plateau, RAW STORY has learned. Advertisement The telephone survey, conducted wih 1,005 randomly selected Americans over the age of 18 from July 21-23, showed that while 37% of Americans approve of President Bush’s job performance, 59% disapprove. The results are not statistically significantly different from June when 40% of Americans reported approving of Bush’s job performance. When Americans were asked how they felt about the president’s performance on particular issues, 47% approved of his handling of terrorism, but only 35% did not disapprove of his performance in the war on Iraq. Consistent with the lack of change on Bush’s overall approval ratings, little change of opinion was evident in his performance on particular issues from June.

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