WASHINGTON — Two Republican senators said Sunday that Congress must rein in the Supreme Court ruling that international law applies to the Bush administration’s conduct in the war on terror. Thursday’s Supreme Court decision embracing Article 3 of the Geneva Accords in the military commission case of Osama bin Laden’s former driver strikes at the heart of the White House’s legal position in the war on al-Qaida. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the second-ranking GOP leader in the Senate, said the 5-3 court decision ‘means that American servicemen potentially could be accused of war crimes. ‘I think Congress is going to want to deal with that,’ McConnell said on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’ He called the ruling ‘very disturbing.’ The Geneva Convention’s Article 3 is ‘far beyond our domestic law when it comes to terrorism, and Congress can rein it in, and I think we should,’ said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., assigned as a Reserve Judge to the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals. Graham spoke on ‘Fox News Sunday.’ Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also expressed concern about the decision, saying it ‘is somewhat of a departure, in my view, of people who are stateless terrorists.’ […]

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