COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Episcopal Church USA, which shocked the Christian world by approving an openly gay bishop in 2003, delivered a new shock Sunday by electing a progressive woman as its presiding bishop. Katharine Jefferts Schori, bishop of Nevada, is the first woman named to lead a national church in the Anglican Communion, the world’s third-largest Christian denomination and one that largely does not accept female clergy. Her election brought screams of delight in the governing meeting Sunday afternoon, particularly by women celebrating 30 years of women’s ordination in the 2.3-million-member U.S. church. It also provoked outraged from traditionalists. Like most in the 77 million-member Communion, they object to her 2003 vote in favor of New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the world’s first openly gay Episcopal bishop, and to her support for the blessing of same-sex unions in Nevada. ‘God welcomes all to his table. People who agree and people who disagree. … All of the marginalized are most especially welcome at the table,’ she said at a news conference Sunday. Traditionalists say homosexual behavior is ‘incompatible with Scripture’ and the bishop-elect’s views will deepen the acrimony within the global Anglican family and the […]

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