The agreement between soft drinks makers and Bill Clinton to stop sales of high-calorie aerated drinks in public schools has invited praises from some, but skepticism from others. While some feel the move will go a long way in curbing childhood obesity which is threatening the health scenario of the United States, some others point out to the sale of ‘low calorie’ sodas and sports drink that are still available to children. Most, however, have reluctantly applauded the beverage industry which has agreed to let go of part of its profit to do its bit to curb the menace. ‘This one policy can add years and years and years to the lives of a very large number of young people,’ former US President Bill Clinton had said while announcing the deal. The efforts came in wake of different studies that pointed fingers at colas companies as drivers of obesity. A Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) study, called Liquid Candy: How Soft Drinks Are Harming America’s Youth was a landmark one that found how rising consumption of soft drinks was driving obesity in children. ‘Soda pop provides the average 12- to 19-year-old boy with about 15 […]

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