California is among 10 states that filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Bush administration over new federal fuel-economy standards on SUVs and light trucks, alleging that they ignore the effects of emissions on global climate change and the environment. The other plaintiffs are New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Mexico, The District of Columbia and New York City also joined in the lawsuit. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, contends that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has failed to consider the environment and fuel conservation when adopting fuel economy standards for SUVs and light trucks. By not requiring better fuel-economy standards for the vehicles, the lawsuit alleges that the environment is ultimately being hurt. ‘With gas prices skyrocketing, we must substantially increase fuel efficiency in new vehicles, not only to protect the pocketbooks of working families, but also to reduce vehicle emissions that contribute to global warming,’ said Attorney General Bill Lockyer in a prepared statement. ‘These rules fail that test by not requiring enough from the auto industry. The Bush Administration once again has missed an opportunity to promote new technology, fuel economy […]

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