WASHINGTON – – More than 40 percent of Americans making between $20,000 and $40,000 a year went without insurance for at least part of the year last year, according to a study published on Tuesday. The research by The Commonwealth Fund also found that 20 percent of working adults are paying off medical debt — often $2,000 or more — and 60 percent of uninsured adults with chronic illnesses such as heart disease skip pills to save money. The Commonwealth Fund researchers called the 40 percent figure a ‘dramatic and rapid increase from 2001,’ when 28 percent of people in this moderate income bracket were uninsured. The group, which does the survey every other year, also found that 67 percent of the 48 million going without insurance were in families where at least one person worked full-time. ‘The jump in uninsured among those with modest incomes is alarming, particularly at a time when our economy has been improving,’ said Commonwealth Fund President Karen Davis, who helped write the study. ‘If we don’t act soon to expand coverage to the uninsured, the health of the U.S. population, the productivity of our workforce, and our economy are […]

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