NEW ORLEANS — The most intriguing news out of this city’s mayoral primary election is the story of what didn’t happen: White voters failed to dominate at the polls Saturday as thousands of black voters returned home. Nearly eight months after Hurricane Katrina decimated the majority of New Orleans’ black neighborhoods, black voters kept incumbent Mayor C. Ray Nagin’s candidacy alive, casting an estimated 90 percent of votes in his favor. Louisiana Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu drew the second-highest percentage of black voters, with more than 20 percent of his total support coming from displaced black residents. ‘So the African-Americans’ candidates are progressing to the runoff,’ said political analyst Greg Rigamer of GCR & Associates. The percentage of white voters casting ballots Saturday was larger than in previous elections � about 48 percent of the total instead of the usual 38 percent, he said � but that did not represent the takeover of New Orleans politics that some had predicted. Election officials were surprised by the overall turnout, and poll workers noted that large numbers of people traveled from temporary homes in neighboring states to cast ballots in person. About 36 percent of registered voters made […]

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