The environmental movement is facing one of its biggest-ever reverses, over one of its most cherished causes: Save The Whale. In a remarkable diplomatic coup, Japan, the leading pro-whaling nation, is poised to seize control of whaling’s regulatory body, the International Whaling Commission (IWC), and so hasten the return of commercial whale hunting, which has been officially banned worldwide for the past 20 years. While the world has been looking the other way, the Japanese have spent nearly a decade and many millions of dollars building up a voting majority in the IWC, by buying the votes of small member states with substantial foreign aid packages. Their aim is to reverse the moratorium on commercial whaling brought in by the IWC in 1986 as a result of the long Save The Whale campaign by Greenpeace and other environmental pressure groups. This has always been seen as of one of the environment movement’s greatest success stories. But anyone who opposes killing the great whales, or who thought that the main battle against the harpooners had been won, is in for a nasty surprise when at the IWC meeting in the West Indies, two months from now, […]

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