BAGHDAD — Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned that civil war had started in Iraq, where three consecutive days of bombings killed about 100 people, inflaming sectarian tensions. The caution comes as Shi’ite leaders are to meet on Sunday in another attempt to break an impasse over the prime minister, hoping to pave the way for a unity government many see as the only way to avert open civil war. ‘It’s not on the threshold (of civil war). It’s pretty much started. There are Sunnis, Shi’ites, Kurds and those types which come from Asia,’ Mubarak said in an interview aired on Saturday on pan-Arab satellite television channel Al Arabiya. Mubarak said that the large Shi’ite Muslim presence in Arab states were more loyal to Iran than their own countries, echoing accusations made by his fellow Sunnis in Iraq about their country’s Shi’ite leaders. Hours earlier, a car bomb killed at least six Shi’ite pilgrims and wounded 16 in the town of Musayib south of Baghdad, police said, the latest in a wave of attacks that raised fresh fears of full-blown communal conflict. Enraged town residents at the scene of the blast threw stones at U.S. […]

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