There are no streetlights between cities, I notice, as I blindly follow the car ahead of me to the centre of the 20-mile by 6-mile island, to Tranebjerg and Flinch’s Hotel – my home base for the next two days. The island feels deserted, and it is in a way…February is Denmark’s coldest month, and many of Samso’s 4,300 residents are burrowed snugly in their warm homes – a stark contrast to when an influx of several tens of thousands visit the island during the tourist season. Many come in July for the popular music festival, the beautiful beaches, and sailing. But of late, Samso has been invaded by a different kind of tourist…an eco-tourist. That was my mission…why I travelled over 4,000 miles: to discover Samso’s Eco-Revolution. In 1997, Denmark held a national competition. The selected winner would be home to a one-of-a-kind experiment: The winner would be expected to convert all its energy supply to 100% renewable energy within 10 years. The small island of Samso was given the nod. Because it is an island that has no conventional energy resources of its own, Samso was an ideal choice for such a controlled experiment. […]

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