NEW YORK The Bush administration, seeking to limit leaks of classified information, has launched initiatives — some not widely revealed until now–targeting journalists and their possible government sources, Dan Eggen reveals in a front-page article in Sunday’s Washington Post. “The efforts include several FBI probes, a polygraph investigation inside the CIA and a warning from the Justice Department that reporters could be prosecuted under espionage laws,” he writes. A little-known recent episode involving the Sacramento Bee may also be significiant. “Some media watchers, lawyers and editors say that, taken together, the incidents represent perhaps the most extensive and overt campaign against leaks in a generation, and that they have worsened the already-tense relationship between mainstream news organizations and the White House,” Eggen writes. He relates: “In recent weeks, dozens of employees at the CIA, the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies have been interviewed by agents from the FBI’s Washington field office, who are investigating possible leaks that led to reports about secret CIA prisons and the NSA’s warrantless domestic surveillance program, according to law enforcement and intelligence officials familiar with the two cases. “Numerous employees at the CIA, FBI, Justice Department and other […]

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