Scientists have long wondered why organisms bother with sexual reproduction. It makes a whole lot more sense to just have a bunch of females that can clone themselves, which is how asexual reproduction works. Turns out sex might have evolved as a way to concentrate lots of harmful mutations into individual organisms so they could be easily weeded out by natural selection, a new computer model suggests. The classic explanation for the onset of whoopee, about 1 billion years ago, is that it provides a way for organisms to swap and shuffle genes and to create offspring with new gene combinations that might survive if the environment suddenly changes. But some scientists think this isn’t enough of a justification to outweigh the many costs of getting together to make little ones. Just ask any single person sexual organisms have to spend valuable time and resources finding and attracting mates. If all organisms were like starfishes and cacti, which just drop pieces of themselves when they want to multiply, reproduction would be a whole lot simpler. There would be no need for elaborate peacock feathers or bird songs; stags wouldn’t need antlers; elephant bulls wouldn’t have […]
Friday, March 3rd, 2006
Why We Have Sex: It’s Cleansing
Author: KER THAN
Source: LiveScience/MSNBC
Publication Date: 1:50 p.m. ET March 2, 2006
Link: Why We Have Sex: It’s Cleansing
Source: LiveScience/MSNBC
Publication Date: 1:50 p.m. ET March 2, 2006
Link: Why We Have Sex: It’s Cleansing