It took me a half dozen e-mails and telephone calls over three days to just to confirm that yes, the Directorate of National Intelligence, or DNI, the new-ish uber-spooks body € has opened an office to deal with state and local law enforcement. And it took me a few more inquiries before the DNI gave up the name of its head, Michael Tiffany, though nothing more. Mind you, this is not classified information. Forget about denying public information to a pesky reporter: State and local cops have to know who’s in charge of state and local law enforcement issues, right? Finally, I Googled Michael Tiffany and eventually found out that he had spent 36 years with the New York Police Department, the last nine as chief of intelligence. He also did a turn in the Bronx as as deputy chief of narcotics. A prince of the city. Probably a good guy to have in the job: He talks cop. But the difficulty I had just prying out Tiffany’s name mirrors the challenge € and frustration € law enforcement officials have over who’s in charge of homeland security information flow at the federal level. Up […]

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