JERUSALEM — At least two dozen Israelis were wounded Thursday when a suicide bomber detonated explosives he was carrying in a commercial section of Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest city. Israeli officials said only the 22-year-old bomber died in the blast, which occurred just before 4 p.m. local time inside a restaurant popular with immigrant workers near the city’s old bus station. Israeli police said only a portion of the bomber’s explosives detonated, likely sparing lives. The radical Palestinian group Islamic Jihad asserted responsibility for the bombing in a video tape released to media outlets soon after the attack, the first in Tel Aviv since February of last year. “Suddenly we heard a loud boom and I ran over and saw bodies everywhere on the floor,” said Shlomo Alayeb, 46, who sells cigarettes and newspapers from a nearby kiosk. Alayeb, who was playing backgammon at the time of the blast, said the bomber detonated himself near the bathrooms at the back of the restaurant, whose name roughly translates to Mayor Shawarma. At the front, the counter displaying salads and the rotating lamb skewer remained intact. “His body was split in two and all of his inside […]

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