In recent years, the Christian right has become an increasingly powerful force in American politics. The belief that God has called on conservative Christians to rule over society has extended into all levels of government, from school boards to the White House.
Many pundits call this movement Christian nationalism. But while it may seem like a phenomenon born out of our current political moment, it represents the culmination of various movements with roots that trace back decades. The more extreme elements didn’t just materialize a few years ago. They’ve been there from the start.
In the beginning — in this case, the 1970s — some Christians feared their influence in society was waning. The Supreme Court had outlawed school-sponsored prayer and Bible readings and had legalized abortion.
In response, religious figures began to organize around the idea that they had a duty to bring Christianity back into public life. Several Christian-influenced organizations, including Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority and James Dobson’s Family Research Council, were soon formed and went on to shape Republican policies for decades to come. Evangelical Protestants of different denominations joined forces and united with conservative […]
The NAR and its followers are anathema to everything about democracy and the United States. The Founding Fathers, who were primarily Deists, would be horrified to see what is happening to the US by religious fanatics who want to dominant this entire country with their beliefs, their philosophy, their religion—-everything!
What one can see with them is their hatred of those who do not follow their beliefs and attempts to silence everyone else and control this country completely. This is totally anathema to the creation of this country and Americans need to wake up. The United States is made up of all kinds of religions, beliefs, nationalities, races, and others. No one should have the audacity to think that everyone in this country should believe like the NAR and be controlled in all those seven areas they want to dominate. Laws need to be enacted to protect the democracy this country has worked so hard to develop and believe in. The time is now!!!