ROME, ITALY — Smartphones and tablets are causing early puberty in children, according to new research. Researchers say the devices emit blue light which reduces melatonin, a hormone that slows sexual maturity.
The scientists add that kids should not use digital devices before bed. Humans secrete the chemical at night, in response to darkness.
“Although not conclusive, we would advise that the use of blue light emitting devices should be minimized in pre-pubertal children, especially in the evening when exposure may have the most hormone-altering effects,” says lead author Dr. Aylin Kilinç Uğurlu from Ankara City Hospital in a media release.
The study reports that blue light-emitting devices also fuel reproductive hormones and trigger physical changes in ovaries. Worryingly, they may even trigger infertility. “In the last 10 years, blue light (BL) sources such as tablets and phones has increased in every age group,” the researchers write in their study. “Especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, screen exposure has also increased in childhood.”
The results have implications for a phenomenon […]