Credit: Jeff Swensen/Getty

When Donald Trump called Geor­gia Secret­ary of State Brad Raffen­sper­ger to demand that he “find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” hint­ing at crim­inal prosec­u­tion, he was joined by a surpris­ing parti­cipant: Cleta Mitchell.

Mitchell has long been a prom­in­ent right-lean­ing attor­ney, repres­ent­ing the National Rifle Asso­ci­ation as well as senat­ors like Oklaho­ma’s James Inhofe and Flor­id­a’s Marco Rubio. She was a part­ner in the DC office of influ­en­tial law firm Foley and Lard­ner, until the firm ousted her for her involve­ment with Trump’s effort to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion. She is a seri­ous lawyer. Trump and Mitchell’s phone call is now the subject of a grand jury probe in Atlanta.

Mitchell, mean­while, hasn’t given up trying to politi­cize and under­mine our elec­tions.

This week, the New York Times published a story detail­ing Mitchell’s far-flung campaign to assemble an army of hyper-partisan poll watch­ers that will disrupt, discredit, and intim­id­ate elec­tion offi­cials. Among other things, the train­ees are encour­aged to research the back­grounds of histor­ic­ally nonpar­tisan elec­tion offi­cials and categor­ize them as “friend or foe.” 

Mitchell claims she is doing […]

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