Credit: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

The Washington Post’s latest poll is enough to make the Statue of Liberty cringe.

“In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if Trump proposed it,” (emphasis added) read the headline of the paper’s Monkey Cage blog (for election geeks) on Thursday, which quickly reverberated around the internet.

“According to a poll conducted by two academic authors and published by The Washington Post, 52 percent of Republicans said they would back a postponement of the next election if Trump called for it,” quickly reported. “If Trump and congressional Republicans proposed postponing the election to ensure only eligible citizens could vote, support from Republicans rises to 56 percent.”

The Hill’s summation didn’t stop there, but affirmed that nearly equal numbers of Republicans—47 percent—think Trump won the popular vote. And a big majority, 68 percent, “also thinks millions of illegal immigrants voted in the presidential election and 73 percent think voter fraud happens somewhat or very often.”

Neither the Post’s blog nor the Hill said Republicans who believe every one of […]

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