Ken Ham Credit:

Ken Ham

What do climate change, evolution, and aliens have in common? Well, according to comments by the author of a study reported in Christian Today, evangelicals are hesitant to embrace science because we (supposedly) deny all these things. But is this true? Are creationists science-deniers?

Science vs. God’s Word?

The author of the study, Joshua Ambrosius, does what many evolutionists (such as Bill Nye) do when he wrongfully equates science with climate change and evolution, saying, “Evangelicals have been hesitant to recognize the discoveries of modern science—from evolutionary origins to climate change.” Notice how he claims evangelicals are supposedly hesitant to support science—but how did he get that? It’s because many people with a secular worldview believe science and God’s Word are incompatible, meaning they think that if someone disagrees with evolution or the secularist reasoning for why climates change, then they are against science. But this is simply untrue. Creationists are not against science! We love science. What we are against are the worldview-based interpretations of the evidence.

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